Business Formation/Representation
Business Law Henderson KYWe continue to assist individuals and partners with the process of legally forming a new entity for starting a new business or converting an existing business. Self-employed individuals should always form a separate entity to conduct their business. This provides a layer of liability protection between the assets and dealings of the business and the owner’s personal assets.

We also prepare Buy Sell Agreements for many businesses. This is also a very important document for any business involving more than one owner. Such a buy sell agreement can prevent a business from being damaged by the divorce, bankruptcy, or death of one owner.

Landlords should also strongly consider forming a limited liability company to hold title to their rental real estate for similar reasons.

We also represent local businesses with negotiations, contractual matters, state filing requirements, collections, and litigation.
Contact Us

Ousley & Thompson, PLLC
223 First Street
Henderson, KY 42420


KY: 270.826.2441
IN: 812-250-8350


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Serving Western KY & Evansville IN